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Dev Journal


/ 2 min read

It is a tool in your browser where you can write and run JavaScript commands, and helping you debug your code (known as debugging).

Console in browsers

Most browsers have their own console. The best for debugging are Chrome and Firefox. Nowadays most of browsers use Chrome as their browser engine like Arc, Brave, Vivaldi, etc. So most of browsers have similar basic functionality to the console.

This is how a console looks like

Shows the console preview

Opening the console

Use keyboard shortcuts Command + Option + I on Mac and Ctrl + Shift + I on Windows to open the console. You can also navigate through the browser menu to do so.

Using the console

You can type JavaScript code directly into the console. If the code is valid, it will run and show the result. If it’s invalid, an error message will appear.

Show the valid result typed in console Show the invalid result typed in console

The difference between the two examples is the type of value entered. The first example uses a string, while the second example is detected as a variable

Displaying code in the Console

To display your JavaScript code in the console, use console.log("...").

Errors and refreshing

If you see a ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND error in the console, it usually means there’s a typo in your HTML file. Remember to save any changes to your JavaScript file and refresh your browser to see the effects. Also, ensure to enable / check Disable HTTP Cache in your console settings for changes to take effects.

Show the chrome based engine settings to configure HTTP Cache