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Dev Journal


/ 2 min read

Object is a type of data in JavaScript that contains key-value pairs. These pairs are written within curly braces and separated by commas. For example:

const anObject = {
key1: 'value1',
key2: 'value2',
string: 'Yay', // more string
number: 1, // number
boolean: true, // boolean
anotherObject: {}, // another object
aFunction: function () {}, // functions
anArray: [] // array

Get the value of a property

Objects can store various types of values, including primitives and other objects. You can access object properties using dot notation. For example:

const macbook = {
storage: '512gb'
const storage = // Dot notation
const storageAlt = macbook['storage'] // Bracket notation

Use dot notation for valid identifiers and bracket notation for invalid identifiers or when accessing properties through variables.

const objWithInvalidIdentifiers = {
'First Name': "Reza"
const firstName = objWithInvalidIdentifiers['First Name'] // Bracket notation

Notes: Valid Identifiers

  1. It must be one word
  2. It must consist only of letters, numbers or underscores (0-9, a-z, A-Z,_)
  3. It cannot begin with a number
  4. It cannot be any of these reserved keywords

Anything that doesn’t follow these rules is an invalid identifier.

Set and Delete value of a property

You can also set or delete properties using both notations. = '256gb' // Set property
delete // Delete property

Function are special objects

Function in JavaScript are special objects and can have properties. When functions are stored in objects, they are called methods.

const greeter = {
sayHello: function (name) {
console.log('Hello ' + name + '!')
greeter.sayHello('Reza') // Hello Reza!


  • Object store key-value pairs.
  • Properties can be accessed using dot or bracket notation.
  • Use dot notation for valid identifiers and bracket notation for invalid identifiers or variable-based access.
  • Functions can be stored in objects as methods.