Object is a type of data in JavaScript that contains key-value pairs. These pairs are written within curly braces and separated by commas. For example:
Get the value of a property
Objects can store various types of values, including primitives and other objects. You can access object properties using dot notation. For example:
Use dot notation for valid identifiers and bracket notation for invalid identifiers or when accessing properties through variables.
Notes: Valid Identifiers
- It must be one word
- It must consist only of letters, numbers or underscores (0-9, a-z, A-Z,
) - It cannot begin with a number
- It cannot be any of these reserved keywords
Anything that doesn’t follow these rules is an invalid identifier.
Set and Delete value of a property
You can also set or delete properties using both notations.
Function are special objects
Function in JavaScript are special objects and can have properties. When functions are stored in objects, they are called methods.
- Object store key-value pairs.
- Properties can be accessed using dot or bracket notation.
- Use dot notation for valid identifiers and bracket notation for invalid identifiers or variable-based access.
- Functions can be stored in objects as methods.