Tags → #basic
Learn JavaScript functions: declaring, using them, handling parameters, return values, and hoisting for organized, reusable code.
Changing Classes ?
Learn JavaScript functions: declaring, using them, handling parameters, return values, and hoisting for organized, reusable code.
Listening to Events
Learn JavaScript functions: declaring, using them, handling parameters, return values, and hoisting for organized, reusable code.
Selecting an Element
Learn JavaScript functions: declaring, using them, handling parameters, return values, and hoisting for organized, reusable code.
Learn JavaScript functions: declaring, using them, handling parameters, return values, and hoisting for organized, reusable code.
Null and Undefined
Learn JavaScript functions: declaring, using them, handling parameters, return values, and hoisting for organized, reusable code.
Not Operator
Learn JavaScript functions: declaring, using them, handling parameters, return values, and hoisting for organized, reusable code.
If / Else Statements
Learn JavaScript functions: declaring, using them, handling parameters, return values, and hoisting for organized, reusable code.
Learn JavaScript functions: declaring, using them, handling parameters, return values, and hoisting for organized, reusable code.
Arrow Function
Learn JavaScript arrow functions for concise syntax. Use => instead of function, with variations for arguments and implicit returns for cleaner code.